On Wed, 2004-12-22 at 12:45, Pete Theisen wrote:
> Maurice Wilson wrote:
> <snip>
> > You have to be in your home directory and select show hidden files
> > and then drill down to your Local Folders which has all your mail
> > folders. file:/home/maurice/.mozilla/default/69maeurh.slt/Mail/Local
> > Folders note! your .slt folder will probably have a different name
> > than mine. hope this helps. I backup my local folder and when I
> > install a new system I set up my mozilla mail account and overwrite
> > the local folder with mybackup and everything is there.
> Hi Maurice!
> I am looking for something like this - a folder named mozilla. Can't
> seem to find it, though.
> Pete@2[~]$ ls
> Desktop Mail mycheckbook Pictures Shared
> Documents mozilla.ps mycheckbook.backup print.pdf smb4k
> JAN05Mon7.zip Music News public_html tmp
> Pete@2[~]$
> The mozilla.ps has one message in it. There are thousands of messages
> showing from within mozilla. What to do?
> Regards,
> Pete
Maurice is right. if you just do an ls on ~ it won't show hidden
directories. Mozilla stores it's info in a hidden dir named .mozilla so
you have to do an "ls -a" or "ls -la" to see the directory. The
mozilla.ps is just a postscript file....probably from when you were
trying to get the printer going. It's not your mozilla profile and
storage. the".mozilla" hidden dir is.
Mike Branda Jr.
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