You'll need to build something to convert the position of the pedal to
a serial data stream. This is easy to do with a parallel load shift
register (i'll look up the chip number later tonight if you wish),
analog-digital converter (another chip number), and a clock circuit
(555 timer).
It may also be possible to use the parallel port without a timer and
shift register, but im not very familiar with that port.
If I were in your position (pun intended), I think I'd just use a sound
card input and a signal generator on the input of the wah / volume
--- Daniel Jarboe <> wrote:
> I'm a software guy. Unfortunately, I don't have a great head for
> hardware / electronics yet. I wanted to rig some kind of
> wah-wah/volume pedal type device to a computer input (non-audio),
> like
> a serial or USB port for example. Something that I could vary the
> intensity of a signal and read the change or value programatically.
> Does anyone have any experience with anything like this? Apart from
> the Serial-HOWTO which I am in the process of reading, does anyone
> have any suggestions or recommended reading? I don't have any pedal
> or anything picked out yet... cheap is good :)
> Thanks,
> ~ Daniel
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