Re: [SLUG] Web Dev/Standards Question

From: Robert Snyder (
Date: Mon Mar 21 2005 - 20:50:58 EST

Christopher Hotchkiss wrote:

>On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 18:53:10 -0500, Robert Snyder <> wrote:
>>Robin 'Roblimo' Miller wrote:
>>>>Basically we are having
>>>>a large disagreement about the use of Macromedia Flash in the site. He
>>>>is arguing that the use of Flash is not a problem and it should be
>>>>used as a significant portion of the site navigation. My big compliant
>>>>however is that Javascript and/or XHTML with CSS would do a lot
>>>>better and be more maintainable.
>>>The author of "the Online Rules of Successful Companies" (Financial
>>>Times Prentice Hall, 2002) came out firmly against Flash-dependent
>>>site navigation and pointed out that *no* mega-successful sites use
>>>Flash as anything other than a decorative augmentation. Said author
>>>(me) hasn't changed his mind since that book came out, either.
>>>>Is it crazy to want everything on the site that affects the page to be
>>>>editable by a plain text file?
>>>I am a world-class dammit expert on this stuff who has been hired as a
>>>Web usability consultant by more than a few Global 1000 companies to
>>>tell them exactly what you are trying to tell your web designer. For a
>>>suitable fee I'll happily drive to Tampa from Bradenton and tell him
>>>or her in person, too. :)
>>Robin, but look at following great sites
>>There are plenty of great flash sites they all happen to appeal to one
>>little kid age group.
>>This is really just to prove your point.
>>Why mess with flash though at least with XHTML and CSS if you make a
>>typo is easly corrected. Flash you have to open macromedia flash again
>>make your correction compile the new flash crap and upload it vs a small
>>typo say in the css file.
>>I work on two sites where the primary user is simply to put it a nice
>>way stupid. Everything I use is simply css and some xhtml. Now I do a
>>have few pieces of flash as augement the site. But it accounts for less
>>than 2% of the site.\
>>"Wee" Robby Snyder
>>>Robin 'Roblimo' Miller
>>>Editor in Chief, OSTG
>>>Bradenton, FL
>Rob I would take you up on your offer of chewing him out, except that
>this is a volunteer site being done for gratis (and taking more of my
>time than my paid work). However would anyone mind if I showed him
>this thread? Personally I think that this is a case of "Not Invented
>Here" syndrome and "Flashy == Usable". I couldn't directly argue
>against it because I am one of the few web users who cannot view flash
>ie. AMD64 in fully 64-bit mode.
>As always thanks for the help!

I dont think he needs a chewing out just a education. Showing him this
thread is a great idea.
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