On Wed, 20 Apr 2005, Kwan Lowe wrote:
> jeff wrote:
> > I figured that since he dual boots and wants to share/swap data between XP and
> > Fedora, then a VFAT partition for that purpose should be self explanatory. On
> > the other hand, if he has the ability to run both operating systems at the
> > same time, I want a computer just like his too. :)
> Hmmmm... VMWare has an option to use a physical partition.. I wonder if
> it would work?
The last time I tried that option, VMware created an entire "disk" -- boot
block, partition table and all -- inside the partition. The created disk
stopped working when I moved from a 60 GB HD to a 120 GB HD. At the time, I
hypothesized that it its 64 GiB limit on virtual disk size applied to real
disks too, but that limit may be restricted to the antique version I use.
-- -eben ebQenW1@EtaRmpTabYayU.rIr.OcoPm home.tampabay.rr.com/hactarQ: What kind of modem did Jimi Hendrix use? A: A purple Hayes.
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