i love plone and it comes out of the box realy nice custumized. you don't
need it to customized, if you don't want to change the skin (but it's easy to
install other skins) you have out of the box the hole publish workflow and
enough other stuff.
but i think that's not the reason to install plone, the reason i think is that
you have many stuff you could install auxiliary. stuff like forums - webmails
and so on. it's really easy to install. (you need access to the file system
for that)
the conclusion is, that you have a very customizable sytem for the "future".
you could expand it in every way you want, if you need and can. btw => "can"
there is not a very long "learn" to do that and if you have questions come to
me (or to somebody, who could speek better english than me ;-), there a lot
of ng around the world)
zope rockz from vienna!
ps.: sorry for my rare entrys in this ng, but the most questions of this fg i
can't answer. ... may be in some years ... ;-)
but i want ... (what's abour to customize the slug site to a plone site, i
thing i can do for you !)
Am Mittwoch 27 April 2005 13:14 schrieb David Meyer:
> Hello,
> I am looking for advice on the EASIEST to use Content Management
> System. I have looked at Plone, Mambo, Limbo and a couple of others,
> but wanted to get the input of those of you who have worked with CMS
> before.
> I am not a good HTML guy, so I am looking for something that has a
> decent looking template that I can just make work.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Dave
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