{SPAM?} Re: [SLUG] Dunedin meeting

From: Possum (vegetableblood@aol.com)
Date: Thu May 26 2005 - 01:18:45 EDT

ulmerton@tampadsl.net wrote:

>Hello out there in SLUG land.
>i will be bringing to the Dunedin meeting various install
>disks. I dont want to can them and have no intention of
>using them so I will give them to anyone that wants.
>The list:
>Suse 9.2 Pro -- 5 cds
>Suse 9.1 Pro -- 5 cds
>Suse 9.0 Pro -- 5 cds
>Libranet 2.8.1 -- 2 cds
>Mepis 2003.10 -- 2 cds
>SOT 2002 single cd
>Xandros 1.0 single cd
>Please note that the Suse cds are copies(bought on ebay)
>and the Mepis is a downloaded copy. The Libranet is also a
>downloaded copy, so none are boxed sets just the cds folks!
>The Xandros and SOT are the distributed cds and are distro
>Yeh, I know -- big whoopie, but Im gonna bring them anyway.
>If no-one takes them the library trash bin will be the
>designated receptor :)
>If anyone coming to the Dunedin meeting has any mac stuff G3
>or better and wants to swap/sell please let me
>know(offlist) and I will bring PC and some iMacs with me
>for trade/sale only if emailed with a possible sale/trade
>otherwise --the cds are it
>A J
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SuSE 9.2 Pro? I'm running the FTP version. Is Pro much better? Also, I've compiled from source a bunch of software that appeared faulty from the FTP version (Qt, Zlib, etc). Would upgrading interfere with any of that (Please note it took hours for a n00b like me to get everything running how I wanted it to.)? Or should I just leave the FTP installation on here?


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