On Friday 10 June 2005 10:50, Robert Snyder wrote:
> Damn right schools use fliters.
That was not my intent but in that regard do you really want to be limited to
an ISP that controls what you are able to view; recall you are not 6 years
If you know anything about schools you would know that:
attendance in one is mandatory if you are between 6 and 16 years old;
content is determined by what is politically correct;
you pay the same in taxes if you go to public or private, which of course you
have to pay for.
The way I see this is that you are simply taking the above concepts and
applying it to the internet with the results that:
you can only have access to what ports and content that are politicall correct
and since some content is not politically correct to a one group of wackos or
another for what ever reason then it should be censored for everybody;
if you do like the previous idea then you are free to get your own ISP just as
you are were free to go to a private school but then you are required to pay
for the service twice - once in taxes and once in payments to your own ISP.
> Last thing we need is little suszy 6
> year old at Tutle elementry trying to find something on Ponys on the
> internet and end up getting animal porn.
> Craig had touched on this on his post, but who has the right to bitch
> about something given out free.
If you think any government is providing anything for free you are as wacko as
they come. Governments receive payment for their services - that what taxes
are all about - and last I have heard no government allows you to opp out of
taxes if you do not use their services but you must pay anyway even if you
are required to contract for other replacement services being that the
government services are not adequate for one reason or another.
> Yeah I was downtown yesterday for
> lunch and connected to either unplugged or one of the many wifi spots
> downtown that are unprotected. I tend not to check email on these type
> of open systems because I dont know who monitoring what and last thing I
> need is cached pages sitting on some one servers of my gmail account.
At least you are smart enough to figure out that government provided services
comes with strings attached one being for internet that everything you do
will be recorded somewhere since the only possible reason you are using there
service in government opinion is that you are up to something illegal. That
is call thought control.
> But if the government says hey we will give you free wifi but you cant
> look at porn or download warez or do xzy who am I to complain it free
> and you get what you pay for.
Strange definition of free. You are still paying taxes to pay for this.
> If I want to look at all the porn and
> download all the warez and other crap that the free wifi does not
> provide I will simply do what I have always done pay for dsl service
> through verizon. only time I will have an issue with the governments
> free wifi is it drove private isps out of business which i just dont see.
That is another problem with government provided services. They drive free [as
in open & speech] market enterprises out of business.
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