> What are you running on your v3.0? When you access the device is
> everything in RO or can you RW?
I'm running the Linksys (3.03.6) on the router hooked to the DSL modem. The
earlier sveasoft and I think Linksys, too, had a problem with large file
I have a gateway program that drives my RS485 network (sprinkler controllers,
temp/rain data, and whatever silly project I think up). It is compiled into
sveasoft Satori 4_0, and I've also got it into Alchemyv1.0. I've been
looking at the routers as cheap'n'good remote data collection units (pump the
data into the serial port).
Yes, you can read/write. A C program can be compiled, using the Linksys
tools, and then copied into the WRT54G with scp. ssh into the WRT54G and
execute it. When the routine is like you want, then it can be compiled into
the whole build, and flashed so that it is present (and/or execute) when the
unit powers up. The sveasoft's latest, Talisman, has a RW partition where
programs can be uploaded, and it saves them...the forum posts indicated that
some people are having some problems getting it setup, however.
BTW, I've found putting a serial port interface on the WRT54G is a big help.
especially when things don't work. One can see what is going on as it boots
up (as well as make "console" input). The flashing LED just doesn't convey
much information. The JTAG cable is *very* simple and that will recover the
unit no-matter-what. I've had a 3 instances when I had to resort to the
Hacking on these units is a great way to learn about Linux and embedded Linux.
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