Re: [SLUG] Re: slug] books/ref. material

From: Robert Snyder (
Date: Mon Oct 17 2005 - 06:28:26 EDT

Pete Theisen wrote:

> R P Herrold wrote:
> <snip>
>> Ummm ... of course, if you stop and examine the CD, and the
>> representations, it is absolutely, positively NOT represented as Red
>> Hat's product as the item included with Negus' book --
>> As it is not, and as RH received no compensation for its inclusion in
>> the book in question, RH is are wronging you how?; Instead they reap
>> the (undeserved) bad press from people who 'ass-ume' and are not
>> willing to own up to the fact they were misled.
>> Blame the author, blame the publisher, blame yourself; but don't
>> blame a third party who met their obligations under the GPL, and then
>> some.
>>> I should have taken the damned book back, but I had about worn it
>>> out *trying* to get it to work. Set it up on four or five boxes and
>>> *none* of them worked.
>> yes, you should have taken the book back if you felt defrauded. and
>> you should make a note of the publisher who you feel defrauded you,
>> and never, ever buy a book from them again.
> Hi Russ!
> That's an interesting thought, it didn't occur to me that it may not
> actually be RH 8 on the CDs, but it says Red Hat 8 on them. These are
> not hand-burned with magic marker titles or anything like that.
> The GPL lets people say they are distributing Red Hat when they really
> aren't? What is distributed with The RH Linux bible, anyway?
> I sent an email to the publisher, Wiley something-or-other (E. Coyote?)
> they forwarded it to Negus who hemmed and hawed and never really did
> anything.

John Wiley & Sons Inc. I took issue with very much the same issue, but
with the Slackware Bible that was push out with an testing copy of
slackware wat the time and not the final release. I knew that what was
going to be on the cds were the download copy which is not different
from the box set but I was mad to find out after installing the copy i
had with the book and then having problems with other downloaded
slackware packages that other people where not having a problem with. I
cat the version on the installation and saw that they shiped the
"testing" RC1 copy of I bleive at the time was slackware 7.... I have
not not like the brand of books at all now. This is the same old crap
they they have done before and will do again.

> They may have fixed it by now, this is going to be obvious
> when Michael starts trying some of those commands.
> Seems that they would have at least included the same distro that Negus
> used to write the book - oh, he didn't use one, just wrote about how it
> probably is? Wonder if he wrote it in Word? (bad Pete)
> Now they are calling it "Linux" rather than Red Hat so they may be
> trying to be more fair. Michael will know in a short time.
> Regards,
> Pete
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