From: John Pugh (
Date: Tue Oct 18 2005 - 15:51:32 EDT

>>> On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 12:47 pm, in message
> On Tue, 2005- 10- 18 at 02:54 - 0400, Sick Twist wrote:
> One of the guys on this list uses a Linux box to control his
> system. On that note you could do a lot of home automation with the
> right I/O card over the local network.

I host a family calendar and mail with spam/virus filtering from the
various email "hosts" out there, but I wanted to echo Mike's comment

I run my entire home automation thru my sles9 box. I manage sprinklers,
weather station, alarm system, light scenarios, and pvr system with it.
Just bought a slingbox and am now using the SLES box as a client and
streaming video to it where I can "recode" it into mp4 (not finished
with that one). I also have the usual mp3 player/streamer thru shoutbox
so I can stream my favorite MP3s from my server in my hotel room
whenever I want instead of housing them on my laptop.

And btw - NFS v4 is waaaayyyyy more efficient than it's predecessors.
I'm pretty tired of CIFS, but use it still for my wife who is still M$
centric due to her work.

Oh yea...I run eDirectory as my auth for all of the above. Allows me to
limit what my wife can access and/or muck up!

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