From: Mavrick (
Date: Tue Oct 25 2005 - 09:07:15 EDT

On 10/25/05, Ka Winter <> wrote:

> First of all, take the harddrive out and pull the data
> from it. Hopefully your sweetie has all her program
> cd's to reinstall in case she loses something. There
> are a number of viruses that totally trash netscape
> and chances are her machine has at least one or two.
> So after the harddrive data is backed up, put the
> harddrive back into her computer and try to repair
> Windows XP by starting her computer from the Windows
> XP CD-ROM, pressing ENTER to set up Windows XP, and
> then pressing R to repair.

You have gotten great advice so far and should have plenty to keep you busy.
Just a word of warning about XP's repair feature: if you select the FIRST
option to repair, this will drop you into the "repair console" and this is
text based (dust off that DOS manual!). This is OK if you remember and are
comfortable with DOS commands (fdisk, ckdisk, etc.) If you prefer a GUI,
select the full install option at first, and then select the drive/partition
that has the OS installed. DO NOT CHOOSE TO FORMAT THE DRIVE !!! At this
time, XP should recognize the prior installation and ask again if you wish
to repair or install. Select "r" at this time and simply follow the
on-screen instructions. I have done this on a number of MS boxes here at
work (both 2K and XP) and it simply re-copies system files leaving your data
intact. However, it is still good practice to make backups of your data
before doing anything of this nature because nothing is fool proof. Let the
list know how it goes.

Cheers, Mav

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