>From: michael hast <evylrobot19@cox.net>
>Reply-To: slug@nks.net
>To: slug@nks.net
>Subject: Re: [SLUG] Trouble with Wine
>Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 21:32:48 -0500
>>I used this guide fairly recently on Mepis and was able to get a
>>number of programs working. The version numbers in the guide will
>>have changed but the instructions should still be good. The only
>>thing I had a problem with was installing IE.
>But who wants to use IE? When I'm using Windon't I use Firefox and Opera,
>same as with Debian. ;-)
I agree--the thought of IE makes my stomach turn. (For the record, I did try
running Firefox in Wine and it seems to work.) I've read that some programs
install/run better in Wine if IE is present. Perhaps that is no longer the
case with current versions of Wine but I haven't heard otherwise. Although,
if I were a web developer, I suppose having access to IE in Linux would be
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