> > Ubuntu on his machine, spent about 2 hours getting
> him set up and
> > comfortable with Ubuntu. That was almost 8 months
> ago, I was back once
> > because he deleted some settings (a quick fix). He
> is tickled pink with
> > Ubuntu.
> >
> > I guess it all boils down to individual hardware
> (my laptop is a
> > nightmare but my server and desktop is a
> no-brainer)
> >
You're right Joe, oddly enough my laptop was a no
brainer, and my son's old Pentium I runs Linux just
fine. The laptop took to knoppix like a duck to water
and has worked great ever since. Because of the
"mixed packages" issue with Knoppix I eventually
stopped upgrading it but it is running flawlessly all
the same. One thing that is always exciting is that
an "install" of Linux still leaves a lot to be done.
Installing Ubuntu still leaves getting the dvd/cd rom
to actually play dvd's, setting up ALSA and making it
store its settings so the sound works every time,
getting the plugins for the browsers, etc. Making
someone's IPod or digital camera work. On my 64 bit
machine my boss was teasing me relentlessly while he
was trying to get the 3D support for the video card to
work because "look! I've got it to the command line,
you've got Linux, now go away."
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
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