Re: [SLUG] qemu

From: Richard Morgan (
Date: Tue Nov 22 2005 - 09:11:48 EST


He was talking about booting Mepis withing an emulator which does take a very
long time.

I've used Bochs and it's pretty easy to configure and use. Here's a
link to an
article describing how to use bochs to boot linux live cd's from within

Inside the boch's config file, you simply point it to the linux livecd:

ata0-slave: type=cdrom, path="C:\Program Files\Bochs-2.2.1\slax\livecd.iso",

When the bochs virtual pc boots up, it will recognize the cd and boot
from that.
I used a SLAX livecd in the above example.

The performance is pretty bad depending on how fast the host machine
is. VMware
offers very good performance, but it's not free.

Richard Morgan
Heavy Systems Administrator
Powerful web hosting and server solutions for your business.
Heavy Systems is an Authorized AMD Solution Provider.

Quoting "Mark Banschbach, SFO" <>:

> I would stick in here a plug for my favorite flavor of
> live CD/Linux which would be Damn Small Linux.. It
> does not take 20 minutes to load even on what people
> consider old machines..
> in the P-200 ranges. Its a 50 Meg CD and a 300 meg HD
> install that takes all of about 10 minutes from boot
> to final HD install if you want to do that.. Burn one
> off and try it out..
> Peace,
> Mark
> --- John Brown <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 2005-11-22 at 01:50, michael hast wrote:
>> > Um, I hate to ask any more questions right now
>> considering the
>> > directions that a couple of my recent ones went,
>> but do any of you guys
>> > have any pearls of wisdom that you care to share
>> about qemu? I thought
>> > that I would like to play with it, and I've
>> KPackaged it, but that's
>> > about as far as I've gotten so far. I'm thinking
>> of installing XP Pro
>> > within my Debian box, but I would like to play
>> with some live cd's there
>> > first. Any tips on where to get started with this
>> deal? Thanks. Michael
>> Hi,
>> I've spent several days with qemu recently. Good
>> emulator that emulates
>> full PC but...
>> It can only access the cdrom and a HD image (hd.img)
>> made with its own
>> disk image tool or dd command. If you have it access
>> a hard drive, it
>> wants to access the whole HD and it will overwrite
>> the mbr. I didn't get
>> it to read just one partition but the man page says
>> it can.
>> Trying out live CDs is a good use for it but it is
>> slooowwww. I have
>> used it on a 1.1 Gz Athlon with 1G memory. I booted
>> the MEPIS 3.3.1 CD.
>> Worked well but took 20 min to get to the desktop. I
>> didn't get the
>> accelerator working, kqemu, as I use a win4lin
>> custom kernel on FC1.
>> Qemu is the base technology under Win4Lin. Some
>> kinda conflict.
>> Enjoy. Read the on-line manuals here:
>> The man pages
>> are the same thing.
>> --JB

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