On 5/30/06, Paul M Foster <paulf@quillandmouse.com> wrote:
> Folks:
> I have never downloaded movies via the internet. On the very few
> occasions I've downloaded music from the internet (generally classical),
> I was very clear about the unencumbered nature of the downloads.
> Unfortunately, all this makes me supremely unqualified to determine if a
> given download or download service is illegal or not. As a consequence,
> when this subject comes up on this list, I cannot tell whether what's
> being talked about is legal or illegal. My apologies for that.
I need clarification.
Orignal Napster=Piracy
Corporate Napster = Fleecing of America (But Oddly Legal)
Bittorrent It can be used for good and evil But if I say well There is a
the new WeeOS torrent on Demoniod is that a no no. Weeos TheWeeWee Edition
while perfectly legal is on a site that tracks less than legal downloads. I
would usethem as they offere free torrent tracking servers. where are
important for the use of Bittorenet.
Also by whose definition are we using the word legality. Microsoft often
questions and states the unsure legal nature of Linux and several MS
Patents. I not saying there right just showing it is a matter of preception
, and it would be nice if you laid out your definition of illegal behavor
that you do not want on the list.
However, for the sake of this group and this list, I would strongly
> caution people against encouraging warez and pirated downloads. What I'm
> talking about should be narrowly defined as encouraging people to seek
> out illegal download services or downloads, and facilitating their use.
> Obviously, as we've seen with Napster, any service like this can be used
> for legal and illegal purposes, so services like this are not a
> forbidden topic. But I'm also sure there are services out there devoted
> most particularly to illegal downloads. Encouraging the patronage of
> such services should not be done. And of course, if Joe L. User knows
> where you can get a *free* copy of MI3 (obviously copyrighted, obviously
> not allowed out by the studios for free), he should keep this news to
> himself.
> I'm not trying to dampen discussion, but I also don't want to get SLUG
> involved in encouraging or facilitating enterprises which are of obvious
> or even questionable illegality. Since I'm uniquely unqualified in this
> area, I'd appreciate it if the members of the list could assist me in
> policing this type of thing.
> And let's not get into a discussion about how unfair or criminal record
> companies and movie studios are. If that's what you think, I agree with
> you, but the politics list is where that kind of discussion should take
> place. And whether they are or are not criminal really doesn't justify
> ripping them off in return, at least not as far as this list is concerned.
> Paul
> --
> Paul M. Foster
> President
> Suncoast Linux Users Group (SLUG)
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