Kwan Lowe wrote:
> I'm trying to run some Oracle client libraries, drivers for an IBM shark storage
> array, and some custom builds of Apache/PHP. For various reasons (mostly political,
> some legal), we need to have a vendor-supported distro on the production machine.
> The dev box must have completely compatible versions of software especially for
> drivers.
I would bet Oracle and the Apache/PHP stuff will work just fine. I would
get a little fuzzy about the Shark. Storage arrays are like a black art.
Good new is the basic support for RHEL4 ES is only $350/year or $.96/day
up can feed one unpatched server. Not really _that_ bad. RHEL5 is also
coming out in beginning of next year. I actually just got back from the
RedHat Summit in Nashville. If your interested I can give you all the
PDF's from the talks.
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