Re: [SLUG] scp problems

From: Kwan Lowe (
Date: Wed Jun 28 2006 - 08:03:25 EDT

>>> I can't scp files into my box. "Out of" works. This puts a crimp on my
>>> activities remotely, as you might imagine. I can log in via ssh from the
>>> same IP address, no problem.

Ahh.. I read this as "SSH works from the same IP address, but SCP doesn't." That
SSH doesn't work means it's more likely a firewall/router issue.

> Crap, works locally. Maybe something in USF's WAN or my router is messing
> it up? Last time I had to FTP from the laptop to an intermediary, then
> scp fetch from there to home. PITA. I also don't have access to the
> intermediary any more. I'll try changing ssh's port to see if that makes
> it better.
> If I can't make it work, any suggestions for file transfer? If I have to
> run an ssh daemon on the laptop under XP, I will, but I'm trying to keep it
> as lightly loaded as possible.

Maybe this:

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