Re: [SLUG] Verizon V620 dropping calls in less than a minute

From: Pete Theisen (
Date: Sun Sep 03 2006 - 13:30:52 EDT

On Saturday 02 September 2006 16:34, Paul M Foster wrote:

Hi Paul!


> "the piece" refers to what?

It is a PCMCIA Cellphone NIC card. Calls the tower and establishes a network
connection, supposedly anywhere your voice cellphone will work. Verizon has
offered this service for maybe a year and a half or so around here, and
recently "upgraded" to a higher "broadband" speed.

> > to the store and they refreshed the database which made it worse. It
> > worked for 8 months at the lower speed in an ok, albeit very slow,
> > fashion.

The database is a list of towers - stored on the card in a chip or whatever,
the store is where I bought it, a Verizon Wireless store. The new equipment
in the towers makes the system "broadband" capable, maybe like ISDN or a
little better. I think someone said 144 or something. Worked fine until they
got the new stuff in the towers, but it was at the slower 62 speed or so. 144
and 62 as opposed to a 56 dial-up modem.

> What database was refreshed? To what store did you take it? What has
> this to do with your broadband?
> > I never noticed it before this started, but when you take it out it is
> > quite hot, about like a heating pad.
> When you take *what* out? CPUs will be *hotter* than a heating pad, so
> the heat depends on the component.

Take the card out of the slot. The network card I use with at home DSL is a
little cooler to the touch when I remove it, but neither will burn you or
anything like that.

> > It could be the network, it used to only happen at night - turn half the
> > system off after 1:30 AM and save electricity sort-of-thing, but now it
> > is whenever.
> "the system" refers to what? Your computer? The network where you are?

The system is whatever the card is communicating with on the cell tower. This
is what they changed. Of course, they may be shutting stuff down somewhere

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I thought everyone knew about this type of
network connection.


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