[SLUG] XWindow Keypad configuration

From: Paul M Foster (paulf@quillandmouse.com)
Date: Sat Dec 16 2006 - 15:57:46 EST

After installing the new XOrg version of XWindow on my Debian Sid
system, I noticed that the keypad plus key (+) and keypad minus key (-)
magnified or demagnified the screen (I don't know if they actually
changed the resolution). And the keypad divide (/) and multiply (*) keys
did nothing. This would all be fine, except that I use the keypad in
finance applications, where the minus and plus keys become important. I
couldn't have them magnifying the demagnifying the screen instead of
generating the plus and minus signs.

I didn't notice this behavior with XFree86, and I managed to get
modifying it by issuing xmodmap commands, e.g.:

xmodmap -e "keycode 82 = XF86_Prev_VMode KP_Subtract"

This makes the default demagnifying behavior only present when the
numlock is *off*. If it's on, then the minus key acts like a minus key.
I repeated this for all four of the keys in question.

But the next time I start X, I'll have to repeat the same procedure, or
create a script to do it. What I want to know is if it's possible to
specify the behavior I want in the xorg.conf file, the way you can when
you want to swap the Control and Caps_Lock keys (ctrl:swapcaps). Anyone


Paul M. Foster
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