Re: [SLUG] Semi-experienced Python Programmers?

From: ronan (
Date: Wed Jan 30 2008 - 19:39:29 EST

Career-wise, tying your fortunes to C++ are an OK move. Tying them to
Java is probably survivable. But ideally, you should be a well-rounded
"developer", who understands everything from CPU registers and microcode
through 4GLs. A good way to acquire, and demonstrate, low-level
knowledge is to work with low-level languages and tools.

Hiring someone who considers themself a "Python programmer" is like
hiring a race car driver who thinks that his car runs on magic
go-juice. No, a driver doesn't have to be a full-time mechanic (or
assembly programmer), but they should have a decent understanding of
their drivetrain and critical systems. This makes them a better driver,
even if they never pop the hood again.

A developer who also has years of Python experience is fine, but a
developer who is entry-level and considers themself to be a "Python
programmer"? Sounds like a short, painful, career.


> Wow! Shouldn't be any such thing as a Python programmer!?
> That's such a blanket statement I can't but wonder what your definition is of
> programmer? What does Python lack to not be counted as a programming
> language? If you are running Linux you are using it all the time. It's
> integrated into every imaginable area because of being such a good tool.
> Companies as Google and RedHat has tons of Python programmers.
> Just because someone knows other languages as well does not demote python
> knowledge. Or being a programmer of it.
> Or do you mean there is not much python work out there and knowing it will not
> give you a job unless you also know other languages? I'm sure other languages
> are more in use than Python, but to say that there shouldn't be any Python
> programmers makes no sense.
> It reminds me of the days when certain people said Linux was not a real O/S.
> I'll profess not to be much of a Python programmer myself as I've not given it
> enough importance, being too busy with my company.
> Please clarify.

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