[SLUG] modem vs Caller ID

From: Eben King (eben01@verizon.net)
Date: Sat Mar 28 2009 - 15:26:05 EST

My friend gave [1] me a modem [2] to use as the caller-ID receiver for my
computer. (My former modem, a USR 33.6k Sportster, was a hardy old beast,
but I think the desk falling on it damaged it in some way and made it a bit

It uses slightly different AT commands than the USR modem to enable Caller
ID reception, but that's to be expected. I can't get it to output the
Caller ID data formatted in English. When I'm in a telecom program
(minicom) talking to the modem over /dev/ttyUSB0 and I call in from my cell
phone, with "AT +VCID=1" ("Enables Caller ID with formatted presentation to
the DTE") it shows no Caller ID info, just RING ... RING, but with "AT
+VCID=2" ("Enables Caller ID with unformatted presentation to the DTE") it


I'm sure my info is in there somewhere. I can do "AT +VRID=0" ("Reports
Caller ID with formatted presentation to the DTE") and it shows nothing but
"OK", but "AT +VRID=1" ("Reports Caller ID with unformatted presentation to
the DTE") prints the same string. So it is hearing the rings and getting
the data, so there aren't too many devices on my phone line. Any clues?

[1] Or loaned, I'm not sure; but I'll treat it as a loan until I find out.

[2] Zoom, external/serial, back says "Zoom V.92 / V.90 Faxmodem" "Series
     0269". The reference I find for the AT command set is for a Winmodem,
     which this is _not_. (Heck, are there any external Winmodems?)

-eben     QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP     http://royalty.mine.nu:81
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