Eben King wrote:
> On Thu, 28 May 2009, draeath wrote:
>> You'll only have issues with fullscreen 3D stuff, if the software/game
>> doesn't properly support the aspect ratio. Generally games would be
>> the only thing that would be trouble, but there's a solution:
>> Learn how to use "nvidia-settings" and you can get your GPU to scale
>> the resolution up to your monitor, while keeping the aspect ratio
>> correct.
>> Note, some LCDs have this support built in, and this is of varying
>> quality. Mine doesn't to aspect-locked scaling for instance, while my
>> friends does (but it looks like crap).
> What does it mean to do aspect-locked scaling? Do you see pillarboxing?
> For example, on a 1440x900 monitor, you'd have a 1200x900 image with
> 120-pixel-wide black bar on each side.
Exactly. The X:Y ratio is locked, meaning that if the resolution doesn't
match the shape of your monitor, there will be unused space on the screen.
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