[SLUG] file size

From: Eben King (eben01@verizon.net)
Date: Fri May 29 2009 - 12:46:12 EDT

If I have a bunch of assorted files, how can I find out their total size?
Quickly is a definite plus, since this will happen hundreds of times.

For example, a list of items comes from

dpkg -L abcde

This can be modified to show just files with

dpkg -L abcde | while read file ; do [[ -f $file ]] && echo $file ; done

How do I find their aggregate size?

See, I'm trying to build a DVR, and I need to uninstall all unnecessary
programs to make more space. The fastest way to do that is to uninstall the
big things first. But, I have to know what they are. I can get a list of
all installed packages with "dpkg-query -l '*' | grep ^ii | tr -s ' ' | cut
-f 2 -d ' '", no problem.

dpkg ... done | du -s

finds the size of ".", du's default directory. No good.

du -s $(dpkg ... done)

finds the size of each file individually. Also no good.

dpkg ... done | xargs du -s

does the same thing as the above when the list is small. I imagine it does
about the same thing when it's large too. Either way, no good.

-eben    QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP    http://royalty.mine.nu:81
SAGITTARIUS:  All your friends are laughing behind your back... kill
them.  Take down all those naked pictures of Ernest Borgnine you've
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