On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 05:50:25PM -0400, Eben King wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Jul 2009, Pamela J. Ashworth (webmail) wrote:
>> I'm not sure, but I get the impression Ajax is some kind of programming
>> language. Let's check.
>> good guess
>> Ajax (programming) (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), a technique used in
>> web application development
> How do I check if FF 3.0.11 supports it, if it's enabled, if NoScript
> blocks
> it, and so on? Since I hadn't heard of it, odds are nothing here runs it.
If you have javascript enabled, it supports Ajax. Ajax isn't a language,
it's a technique. Normally, ASP or PHP or whatever web pages are served
up from the server to your browser, and that's it. Sometimes they'll
have embedded javascript, which runs on the client end (your browser),
independent of the server. But when the javascript talks back to the
server, that's Ajax. For example, say you enter a character in a
customer name, and a dropdown box gives you customer choices with that
character in the name. Then type in another character and the list
narrows. Etc. That's javascript talking back to the server every time
you type a letter, and that's Ajax.
In any case, if you have 100 tabs open and javascript enabled, then
you're on some sites using Ajax. But that won't necessarily do anything
either way to your performance.
Your problem is 100 tabs. It may not have been so problematic before,
but you hit a site that really hits the limit for your
browser/memory/cpu. Or the particular combination of daemons and
programs you're running and sites you're visiting happened to hit the
limit. I was using my browser the other day with about ten tabs and CPU
was about 5-10%. Then I went to a site with a marquee on it (scrolling
message). Usage jumped to about 80-90% until I dumped that tab.
There's no hard limit in Firefox/Iceweasel because the limit is memory.
If you open a thousand tabs and you're running 500M of memory, you're
screwed. But with a thousand tabs and 500G of memory, you're fine (those
numbers are just for illustration).
-- Paul M. Foster ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.
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