On Sep 24, 2009 03:48:30 AM, slug@nks.net wrote:
> On 9/24/09 12:03 AM, Eben King wrote:
> > I woke up today and the computer was off. (I'm sending this from the
> > laptop.) Hit the power button and nothing, no fans, no drives, no beep.
> > OK, done this before. Made sure it's getting power (yes, motherboard
> > LED's on). Unplugged all PCI/PCIe cards, disconnected (and removed,
> > just to make sure) both hard drives and both optical drives,
> > disconnected all fans except for the CPU fan. Still nothing. What's left,
> > the RAM? CPU fan? Could the CPU have spontaneously died?
> Take out the RAM sticks one at a time (or two at a time if they are
> paired), and see if it posts... a bad RAM stick will do that every time...
My buddy's bringing over a spare PSU so we'll check the RAM then. Good
plan. Didn't know RAM could fail that badly. As far as I knew all you'd get
were random "error 11" errors.
> Does you system have any indicator LED's? Some mboards will have a
> series of green LED's on them, which indicate what the problem is (look
> in your mboard's documentation).
The motherboard has one "I have power" LED. Ones indicating POST stages
would certainly be useful right now.
-eben QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP http://royalty.mine.nu:81
AQUARIUS: There's travel in your future when your tongue freezes to the
back of a speeding bus. Fill the void in your pathetic life by playing
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