Sep 24, 2009 11:11:58 AM, wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> If removing the RAM and the power supply doesn't work, and you are not
> getting any feedback from the motherboard (via LED's or Beeps), check
> your board for scorch marks... especially around the networking chip. I
> once had a mboard fry when a surge came over the cable modem.
Well, it's plugged into UPS -> power strip. There's another surge
suppressor/switchable power strip daisy-chained off there, so maybe at the
end of the chain would have been better, considering the weather around here.
> Note that scorch marks imply "fry", but the converse is not true (could
> be fried and not have marks).
LAN port's actually pretty iffy unless the house got a direct strike or it came
in through power (though the rest of the LAN seems fine), as we have FiOS.
Serial port's also a possibility (-> modem -> power) as is parallel port
(-> printer -> power). I suppose USB port too (-> L mon -> power) but that's
pretty tenuous, and that monitor seems to work (though it won't wake up
because the computer won't POST).
> What is the make/model of the motherboard?
Asus M2NE-SLi.
> PS: I assume this is a computer that was just working and then stopped,
> not one where you added something like a new processor or RAM (where you
> did not match the RAM speed or processor FSB or something like that).
It was working fine two nights ago. Then overnight it died.
> I also assume you weren't "overclocking" the processor... or "hacking"
> the BIOS.
No, the CPU is fast enough for me, and a stock BIOS is fine.
-eben QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP
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