Re: [SLUG] Intel Speed Step & Ubuntu

From: Danny trotter (
Date: Fri Mar 26 2010 - 20:20:10 EST

*Dell Inspiron 9200 Laptop, Ubuntu 9.10 x32*
Pent M 1.8Ghz - 17" widescreen display - 1gb 333mhz ram - 60 gb hard drive -
Intel or Dell wireless adapters b and/or g, and/or a (Intel Pro 2200 wifi
b/g adapter)

I have tested the laptop many times...I have had windows XP on it for awhile
and had up to 7 browsers and some with flash running and have never
encountered the crazy fan problem. It only happens to me in Ubuntu and
Intel Speed Step is turned on.

Just the other day the computer went through an update inside of ubuntu and
the whole time it was updating + about 4 hours that I was at work the fan
was going nutz. The laptop was out in the open on a wooden table so airflow
was good. I have taken the laptop apart and made sure no dust is blocking
the vents and all the heatsinks are clean.

I haven't heard of that powertop thing...think I might give that a
try...thanks for the suggestion!


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Jim Forte <> wrote:

> I use powertop on my laptop and seems to do what needs to be done on most.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Yours Truly
> James Forte, Magna Timeshare Software
> mailto:James@Magna.Net
> East Coast 407-352-2402
> West Coast 415-367-7496
> UK +44 80 8178 8506
> TrustFax:866-752-3073
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> On Fri, 26 Mar 2010, steve szmidt wrote:
> On Friday 26 March 2010, Danny trotter wrote:
>> processor fan will go in to overdrive and it is a LOUD LOUD noise that
>>> will
>>> never quit unless I shut down the computer totally and let it sit for
>>> about
>>> 5min and then start it back up.
>> From your limited description I do not get the idea that there is
>>> something
>> wrong but simply a CPU that is running hot, and a fan that does what it is
>> supposed to. How long have you actually run it after it spins up to full
>> speed? What were you running on the computer while waiting?
>> Can you actually control the fan from Ubuntu? Being a laptop I would
>> expect it
>> to be firmware controlled and out of the control of whatever O/S you are
>> running.
>> Laptops often have a need for breathing through the bottom of the case.
>> Sitting on a desk raises it up enough, whereas on something like a bed
>> will
>> inhibit it from getting full ventilation.
>> An option is to buy a cooling unit which the laptop sits on and is cooling
>> the
>> laptop from the bottom. There are several designs which provides this
>> functionality.
>> You did not include the brand and model of your laptop, I would google
>> using
>> the model and loud fan to see if others have the same complaint. It is
>> more
>> likely to be a loud design than something wrong.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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