[SLUG] I have cookies enabled

From: Chuck Hast (wchast@gmail.com)
Date: Sun Apr 25 2010 - 19:35:11 EDT

I get the following error message from a jobs website I am trying to

Unable to load site properly
Your current browser settings indicate that cookies are disabled.
Cookies are required to properly access our site. To enable cookies,
please refer to your browser's documentation for instructions.
I have cookies setup, is this a site that is looking for I.e., I have tried
FireFox, I have tried Konquerer, and Chrome, none of them will let me
get through, I get the above error from them all.

Here is the page, they have changed things, I had registered with
them but they now asked me to re-register, when I try to do so I get
the above error.


I guess I am going to have to figure out how to run I.E as I suspect
that is the problem.

Chuck Hast  -- KP4DJT --
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the
wicked beareth rule the people mourn.  Prov 29:2 KJV

www.wchast.com Demo and test site www.wchast.com/zm Login = guest pwd  = guest

FSE Emhart Veritas: ViM, ViB, and ViC.

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