On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Eben King <eben01@verizon.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 24 May 2010, PiousMinion wrote:
> On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 1:43 AM, Eben King <eben01@verizon.net> wrote:
>> On Fri, 21 May 2010, Eben King wrote:
>>> I just got a Nokia N810 "Internet Tablet". It's a gizmo that looks
>>>> like a PDA, has a slide-out QWERTY (sorta) keyboard, a user-facing 176x144
>>>> camera, and speaks 802.11g and Bluetooth, among other things. It runs Maemo,
>>>> which is a distro related to Debian.
>>>> ...
>>>> So, has anyone dealt with a similar device, or have an idea about where
>>>> to get smbfs or an MP3 player that speaks SMB?
>>> Solved it. SMB's not involved, neither is NFS. I mount ~/mp3 from the
>>> desktop as /mnt/mp3 (readonly) using sshfs. I have a M3U there
>>> (basically a
>>> list of filenames) and I random-play through that list using mpg321.
>>> Playing
>>> through alsa gives regular ticks, so something isn't implementing needed
>>> buffering/caching. Whatever, playing through esd solves it. I am still
>>> not
>>> able to adjust the volume without going in there. I need to find a CLI
>>> mixer (a la alsamixer) for it.
>> ssh [username@ip_of_box] alsamixer
>> ... or does it not include alsamixer and ssh?
>> Sorry, I have no experience with maemo.
> It has ssh _now_[1], but no alsamixer. Maybe I can find the alsa-utils for
> installation. I'm pretty sure alsa itself is there since "mpg321 -o alsa"
> works.
> [1] There are two implementations of SSH, the familiar OpenSSH and
> something
> called "Dropbear". I was reading a guide and the author recommended
> OpenSSH because the Dropbear binary was named "dropbear" and he couldn't
> deal with that. Seems to me an alias or at worst a wrapper script would
> take care of that (if Dropbear has other desirable qualities), but I
> followed the guide and installed OpenSSH.
> --
> -eben QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP royalty.mine.nu:81
> A. A Top Poster \ http://www.fscked.co.uk/
> B. Who's there? \ writing/
> A. Knock-knock -- from bobward@xxx.com \ top-posting-cuss.html
Dropbear is mostly used on embedded systems like router's firmwares. It's a
decent ssh replacement for small devices with low resources. Fully
I would imagine that alsa is indeed in the kernel as it would be kind of
dumb not to use it and it seems to be working anyhow. :P I'm fairly certain
that installing alsa-libs will provide alsamixer and solve your problem. :)
"It is one of the essential features of such incompetence that the person so
afflicted is incapable of knowing that he is incompetent...
..To have such knowledge would already be to remedy a good portion of the
offense. ( Miller, 1993 , p. 4)
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