On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 04:59:03PM -0400, Smitty wrote:
> We have an outlet for eccentricity, the slug-politics list. This policy
> here, as was articulated by somebody quite sometime ago is: "No Rules,
> Just Fight" which implies totally free speech. We do not overtly or
> covertly attempt behavior mod on anyone Isaiah. This list has no
> censorship, no scripts that alter curse words or phrases that may offend
> the moral codes of certain folks. By not subscribing to the
> slug-politics list, one is opting out of being exposed to controversial
> subjects and rough language. My gratitude goes to Paul Foster for
> starting this list. It is really an excellent idea. The main list is
> for linux related matters presented in a neutral manner. We want the
> maximum number of folks getting help and more knowledge about linux as is
> possible. For those who wish to stray from that subject or just discuss
> it using vulgarity, we have the politics list. With most lugs, you do
> NOT have such a choice. I have been a member of three other lugs and
> only one of which was orderly and productive like the slug main list is.
> The other two of which the ncsu list was one, regularly degenerated into
> name calling and partisan politics.
You were *NOT* a member of the NCSU LUG. You subscribed to the mailing
list for *maybe* a few months. I've been a member of the NCSU LUG since
1997. It's certainly does NOT "regularly degenerate" into "name calling
and partison politics". It's rather tame actually, and if you do or say
something stupid, expect it to be kindly pointed out to you.
> The Oxford English dictionary. The term goes back long before psychiatry
> existed and is part of the english language. I do not care to use the
> DSM IV as psychiatry is not a science, but a government financed control
> operation. Periodically, these psychiatrists get together and make up
> some "diseases" that they can "treat" to put more money in their pockets.
> Just go back and compare the DSM III with IV, or II with III or IV and
> see for yourself. Smitty
I have copies of the DSM 3 and 4 here. If saying that about
psychiatry makes you feel better, I'm happy for you; there are countless
others it helps every day.
-- - Isaiah
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