On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 10:08:21PM -0400, Bryan-TheBS-Smith wrote:
> Now just WTF does this list do other than give some bleeding heart
> liberals a place to stroke their emotions??? ;-PPP
Only one liberal that I know of here. However, there are an awful lot of
lurkers on this list. (Of course, liberals are _always_ welcome, mwah
hah hah hah!)
And just to start some sh*t, I'm already getting cranky at these little
peace/love cretins who think we shouldn't be kicking some terrorist ass.
It always amazes me that people like this have no real solution, yet
advocate non-solutions. What do they think's gonna happen if we _don't_
go over there and kill some people? The golden age of enlightenment or
something? Spare me. It's not even about revenge or retribution. It's
about what you have to do to handle a threat. You don't sit on your
gluteus and sniff incense. People who do that get killed and enslaved.
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