Hey, I'm a liberal, and I'm all in favor of large-scale landscaping. ;)
On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 11:36:10PM -0400, Paul M Foster wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 10:08:21PM -0400, Bryan-TheBS-Smith wrote:
> > Now just WTF does this list do other than give some bleeding heart
> > liberals a place to stroke their emotions??? ;-PPP
> Only one liberal that I know of here. However, there are an awful lot of
> lurkers on this list. (Of course, liberals are _always_ welcome, mwah
> hah hah hah!)
> And just to start some sh*t, I'm already getting cranky at these little
> peace/love cretins who think we shouldn't be kicking some terrorist ass.
> It always amazes me that people like this have no real solution, yet
> advocate non-solutions. What do they think's gonna happen if we _don't_
> go over there and kill some people? The golden age of enlightenment or
> something? Spare me. It's not even about revenge or retribution. It's
> about what you have to do to handle a threat. You don't sit on your
> gluteus and sniff incense. People who do that get killed and enslaved.
> Paul
-- - Isaiah
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