R P Herrold wrote:
> Hi, Paul ...
> Two images http://www.owlriver.com/images/axollt.jpg
> and http://www.owlriver.com/images/axoltl.jpg
> The expressed sentiment does not bother me. 'Actions have
> consequences' as the new catchphrase goes. But that sword has
> two edges ... Which one is the terrorist? One carries the
> danger; the other is fine.
> The use of the tools which produced the difference is
> proposed to be restricted in the name of public safety. As
> are various other of your Constitutional and Amendatory
> protections. Is not the fear of that more concrete than of a
> 'bogey-man' terrorist demonized with jingo-istic rhetoric?
> > And just to start some sh*t, I'm already getting cranky at these little
> > peace/love cretins who think we shouldn't be kicking some terrorist ass.
I must reply: it's certainly just as concrete. The crop-dusting
business really bothers me. Makes the jingo-istic rhetoric a lot more
palatable. Wish the infringement of our rights could be claimed under
some kind of temporary martial set of rules that would be ditched all at
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