Thanks. Will go ahead and submit the problem to abuse@.
Joe Orthoefer wrote:
> Robert,
> Thanks for pursuing this.
> I believe RR actually has a third party company handling their email
> infrastructure nationally for their various regional franchises, so mailing
> abuse@ may actually be the quickest route to get someone technical to look
> into it. Just emphasize that the duplicates appear to be coming from an
> errant machine internal to RR's mail infrastructure.
> On Saturday 23 June 2001 13:49, you wrote:
> > Just got off the phone with RR "technical". After explaining the
> > problem about their server, the "technical" rep told me to email
> > . Again, after explaining to her that this wasn't
> > abuse, that many of their clients are having the same problem, she tells
> > me that this is the only way to get the appropriate people to work on
> > their mail servers. She encouraged me to have all people experiencing
> > the same problem to send an email to that address and explain the
> > problem. I'm very reluctant to give out the domain name of the email
> > source to this address because they may not look into it thoroughly and
> > check their servers properly (and jump to conclusions like blacklist
> > it). I told her this would be a very_bad_thing to do. She assured me
> > that this wouldn't happen but ... Anybody know someone who works on the
> > RR servers before I send in the complaint about their servers?
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