Re: [SLUG] Procmail FAQs

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Wed Jul 18 2001 - 18:53:50 EDT

On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 11:05:08AM -0400, Derek Glidden wrote:

> "Ian C. Blenke" wrote:
> >


> If I read mail with Mutt, and "tag" some messages to be deleted without
> actually deleting them on exit, and then open up Netscape, it can "tell"
> that those messages have been flagged "deleted" and will indicate them
> as such. Likewise, Pine seems to understand the same thing, and if I
> mark messages deleted in any of those three apps, any of the other three
> will see that those messages have been tagged to be deleted. I don't
> know the method by which they are communicating this information, which
> was part of the original question I suppose, although indirectly, but
> since they can do this, I was under the impression there was some fairly
> standard way of tagging a message to say "This message should be deleted
> in the indefinite future by some mail app that understands this flag."
> I suppose I could actually enter mutt, tag some messages to be deleted
> but not delete them when I exit mutt then go look at my mail spool and
> see what it's done.

When I "delete" messages (which I've read) in mutt, then go out without
allowing them to be deleted, it sets the Status as RO, meaning they've
been read, not deleted. But I'd bet that the mechanism being used to
tell MUAs about deleted mails is the Status field.

But lemme see if I've got this right. You want to pop a copy of incoming
mails into a folder, but go into your MUA and read it in your main mbox,
and have it show as deleted at the same time, saving you from having to
hit the "d" key? If so, the recipe you mentioned should do it, _if_ mutt
doesn't "sweep" deleted mails as it starts.


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