[SLUG] gateway/router

From: Rusty (irisinc@tbi.net)
Date: Sat Oct 06 2001 - 12:37:44 EDT

I guess the time has come to ask for help. I have a pentium box set up
as a NIX gateway/router. This box has two (2) 3COM 905-B TX 10/100
Eithernet cards. The first card (xl0) has a static IP. The second card
(xl1) has a RFC 1918 private address of

The problem is I can't get them to talk to each other. I have set them
up in accordance with howto's, directions contained in 2 inch thick
books on networking and incanations to a little voodoo doll I keep for
special occasions. This voodoo doll was contained in a a special Linux
toolkit .

Any Unix network people available to work for money??

Please contact me offline at the above email address.



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