Russell Hires wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've got some mail in Netscape that I want to import in do I do
> that? The kmail help says that it should be as simple as moving whatever is
> in the ~/nsmail directory to ~/Mail (for kmail) and then restarting
> kmail...but that doesn't work. I get the directory, but I don't get the mail.
> I get one message, and it's completely blank.
> Anyone have any ideas?
Are you using IMAP? If so, there's no conversion necessary since all
your mail should still be on your server. (Except I don't know if kmail
fully supports IMAP yet. I shall refrain from my "Why do no email
clients support IMAP? Do email client authors not use IMAP? Why not?
Are they stupid?" rant... :)
If you're using POP, you should have an "mbox" file of all your mail
lying around somewhere under ~/nsmail. All "mbox" means is "a big file
where you have all your email messages in raw ASCII mail format,
separated by a CR." You can "more" (or "less") the file to see if it
looks like email, and if it does, there you have it. Copy it somewhere
appropriate for kmail.
If you're using POP and can't find your mail file, then you have other,
more mysterious problems. :)
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