Hi All:
Well I finally managed to burn my ISO on to a CD now if I can just make it
work but at least progress is being made.
Frank's New Rules for burning CD.
Don't laugh but each of these rules has been a major stumbling block in
making the burner work.
1. Check the weather. Yes, get the weather report. Better yet since weather
reports are notoriously unreliable go outside and see what the weather is
like. If there is a chance of heavy thunderstorm activity forget downloading
or burning CD. Yes. I know about UPSs but somehow that just doesn't eliminate
line voltage serges.
2. Check the answer machine. Better yet turn the volume up full. If you hear
it do strange things you know that has bee a voltage serge on the power grid
sufficiently to wipe out any CD you were burning or ISO you were downloading.
3. If you have any older 650 MD 74 min disk use them for skeets at the gun
range so that you won't waste them. If you really really must use then do not
use them for programs.
4. When burning CD it is best if you fall asleep on the couch this way you
will not disturb the keyboard, mouse, or create sufficient vibration to
affect the burner.
Now if I can just figure out how to make the installer install the program.
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