Re: [SLUG] What's a good printer?

From: Bill (
Date: Sat Nov 03 2001 - 23:46:08 EST

On Saturday 03 November 2001 22:23, you wrote:
> Epson Stylus 600
> I've used mine on Win95, Win98, Redhat 7.0 and Mac OS 8.0. No
> configuration problems on any platform. Consumables for Epson are less
> per page less than HP and especially Lexmark: print quality is a little
> better than either. On the down side, somtimes Epson inks are out of
> stock at local stores. Staples managers tell me sometimes Epson inks get
> back ordered. I bought an Epson 777i last year but its only advantage is
> speed over the SC 600. John Brown

Try the NCR (National Cash Register) brand. I'm on my third black
cartridge and so far, so good. Locally, they run about $5 less than the
equivalent Epson branded cartridge. Around Detroit, you can even get the
cartridges at the local Meijers stores. They are somewhere between the
frozen pizza and the lingerie :-))

You've got me beat on the OS's ... I'm still looking for a cheap MAC to
give OS-X a look-see :-) but I've run Win95,98, RH 5.2, MDK 7.2 and 8.0
past it and the printer still chugs out 8 x 10 glossy's like that was a
design goal. :-)


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