Re: [SLUG] Netscape 6.2 -- Just get it.

From: Patrick Grantham (
Date: Fri Nov 16 2001 - 00:59:04 EST

I've just tried to download on a both just built. Seems when I go to the small installer would start after downloading. Logged in
as root, I get an Access denied. As root? I am proceeding to download the
complete package. Any idea what's wrong?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Centanni" <>
To: "[SLUG]" <>
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 8:30 PM
Subject: [SLUG] Netscape 6.2 -- Just get it.

> After reading Robin Miller's article I downloaded Netscape 6.2. I too
> use it for email, browsing etc. He's right! It's a very worthy
> successor to the 4.7x's I been using. Very stable, fast and renders
> much more cleanly. Doesn't hang up like the old one.
> I *highly* recommend the upgrade for those of you who use Netscape. If
> the install croaks (3 times with me!) then just kill it and restart. It
> will pick back up where it left off and finish out cleanly. The later
> (not all) mozilla themes(skins) will work with it. Try
> It comes with a Flash plugin but don't forget to add plugger
> to round out your streaming media
> needs.
> They finally got it right.
> Ed.

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