Re: [SLUG] 5th of a dozen questions - No luck

From: Scott Piper (
Date: Fri Nov 30 2001 - 12:43:42 EST

are you sure that you have a device cdrecorder in /dev ? It seems to
me that's the problem, but then I could be wrong.


Bob Stia wrote:

>On Sunday 25 November 2001 03:07 am, you wrote:
>>On Sunday 25 November 2001 00:42, you wrote:
>>>OOOooops.....My mistake..... Typo .. I misled you all.
>>>Actually the line does read:
>>>append = "hdc=ide-scsi" It is hdc, have 2 hard drives.
>> ^ ^
>>Bob ... I'm not as smart as my wife tells people I am, but my copy
>>of lilo.conf does not use a blank space where indicated above. Try
>>getting rid of 'em. I think this is one of those places where good
>>coding practice is a bad idea. :-)
>Bill & Steve,
>Sorry about the long delay in replying. Been pretty busy here for the
>last few days. Tried your suggestions including the syntax in
>lil0.config and in fstab. Still doesn't work. Yes, I ran "lilo"
>after each change and I do know the cdrecorder works because it did
>when I was using RedHat. This is driving me crazy. Every time I do a
>"mount /dev/cdrecorder" I get the "unknown device" reply.
>Any other ideas?
>To all the Sluggers
>Anybody else have any ideas? Here is the original problem as posted:
>Trying to get my ide cdrecorder as a scsi emulated device so that I
>can burn cd's
> Here is the latest update of what I did as outlined from a Suse
># 1 - Went into lilo.conf and added the statement
> append = "hdc=ide-scsi"
># 2 - Did a "/sbin/lilo"
># 3 Went into /etc/init.d/boot.local and added this statement
> "/sbin/modprobe ide-scsi"
># 4 - Created a softlink "ln -sf /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrecorder"
># 5 - Went into fstab and checked to make sure the line about the
> cdrecorder was correct.
> "/dev/cdrecorder /cdrecorder auto ro,noauto,user,exec
> 0 0"
>When I try to mount the cdrecorder as root or as user, I get the
>message "/dev/cdrecorder:unknown device"
>Is the line in fstab correct? The soft link exists, and a cat
>/proc/modules shows the ide-scsi module loaded. a cat /proc/scsi/scsi
>shows no devices, but I assume that won't show until the cdrecorder is
>mounted. Could it be that scd0 is not the right module? I have a USB
>camera that loads as a scsi device but it is sda1.
>Can anyone help me figure out what is wrong here ?
>Bob S.

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