Re: [SLUG] ftp problem

From: Glen (
Date: Tue May 14 2002 - 18:53:48 EDT

Here's what I'd do:

        Ditch W2k box during one of those inevitable hiccups. Replace with *nix.
Bring box up, watch uptime soar, ask for raise.

Note that I never added 'tell boss' into any of those steps ;)

Add active directory crap, however, and yer goose is cooked.


On Tuesday 14 May 2002 04:23 pm, you wrote:
> >One quick note: Apache is a web server as you >correctly stated, not an
> > ftp daemon.
> I realized that after I hit send. :)
> >Obviously the problem is not with the Linux >server since ftp-ing worked
> > fine from the NT 4 >(cough) server, but instead is a problem with the
> > Windows 2000 (did I cough, yet?) server. With >all things being equal,
> > only the Windows (belch) >server OS has changed. Maybe if you installed
> > >Linux to replace the Windows 2000 (ugh) server, >the problem would go
> > >away. :-)
> Unfortunatly I don't have that option. Win2k is what the higher ups want
> and I haven't been able to convince them otherwise yet. :) I've had more
> problems since we "upgraded" than I can count.
> >I would suggest running the Windows ftp client >in full debug mode -- I
> > believe typing "debug" in >the Win2K ftp command line (before attempting
> > a connection) does the trick...
> Thanks, I'll try that.
> KL
> --
> Imagination is the seed of intelligence. Nourish it and watch it grow.

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