On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 12:42:25PM -0400, Mike Manchester wrote:
> This is why I have for the past 10 years, built all my systems. I have
> never had good luck with warranties. So if I build them I fix them. That
> simple. No long waits on hold to talk with someone that will just end up
> pissing me off.
I tend to agree-- build your own boxes. However, I did at one time buy
PCs from Micron and from Tiger, and in both cases they would cross-ship
parts. That is, if they can determine what the problem is over the
phone, they'll ship you the part. They expect you to ship the broken one
when you get the new one, or they bill your credit card. In one case, it
was a monitor that had to be replaced.
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