Re: [SLUG] Lindows Pc now available at Wal-Mart

From: robin (
Date: Mon Jun 17 2002 - 22:42:04 EDT

>I find alot of interresting subjects on ZDNET I read it all the time
>maybe someone did not get a chance to read newsforge.there is more then
>newsforge to read i read alot of sites some have more info then others.i
>thought we were all aldults here why are people acting like a bunch of
>kids.Bill was stating a point you did not need to bash him.
> Dazie


Bill is my friend. He left a big chain dangling, and I pulled it.

NewsForge is the premier Linux and Open Source news site, and 3 people
on this list work on it. The standard pattern is that we break a story,
and days or weeks later ZD and others come around and write articles
obviously based on ours. It's both depressing and amusing.

It turns out Microtel is looking at other Linux distros besides Lindows
for their Wal-Mart PCs, which is one of the tidbits their guy shared
with me. Here's an even better one: Microtel's return rate for computers
with Linux preloaded is much lower than their return rate for ones
shipped with Windows. This is especially interesting in light of all the
"Wal-Mart shoppers will never be able to figure out Linux" comments that
have been floated here and there.

- Robin

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