Thanks for the reply. Who then can we ask directly this question:
"If a customer orders a white box from me, and specifically asks for Red Hat
Linux, not a stripped down version, but a real copy, and I go to the store
and purchase a copy or get one through my distributor, is that legal?"
That is the question here. Again, I have customers who MUST have real Red
Hat Linux to be supported on other products. Chad, the guy who I spoke to
that started this told me that I could not even to do that. And it was that
very issue which I got upset about. It made no sense to me, but that is
exactly what I was told.
If you could help answer that question, I'd be most grateful because I am
quite tired of people labelling me with all sorts of titles. If I was given
incorrect information, PLEASE post it here. If indeed I am unable to
pre-load a purchased set of Red Hat Lilnux CD's, then please post that here.
Thank you.
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