----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Zeigler" <craig@penguindevelopment.com>
To: <slug@nks.net>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 2:54 PM
Subject: [SLUG] SuSE 8.0 question
> I know this is a basic question, but I have an Abit KR7A-RAID board with
> an ATA133 Raid controller hosting 2 60GB IBM drives in a RAID-0. I also
> have an old Quantum Furball 10.2GB drive on the primary IDE channel.
> SuSE is installed on the 10GB, and Win2k on the RAID. SuSE was installed
> after Win2k, and the install picked up the win install. It also
> installed an option to boot Win2k into the lilo.conf, however it does
> not work. I changed the lilo.conf to reflect /dev/ataraid/d0p1 which was
> /dev/ataraid/d0 (d0p1 is where the boot drive lives), and it still will
> not start windows. I was hoping someone out there in penguin land had
> any ideas as I'm completely baffled.
Does that motherboard have the HPT372 RAID chip? According to HighPoint's
site, if you want to use this with Linux the controllers BIOS must be
upgraded to v2.1; that revision is included in the Linux driver downloads.
Also, I think you should leave it at /dev/ataraid/d0 (not d0p1), but I'm not
sure. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you just point that to
the disk, not the partition?
John Oakes
> Thanx,
> Craig Zeigler
> craig@penguindevelopment.com
> Penguin Development, LLC
> 100 W. Venice Ave.
> Venice, FL 34285
> www.penguindevelopment.com
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