From: steve (
Date: Sat Jul 06 2002 - 17:47:42 EDT

On Saturday 06 July 2002 17:29, Federico Paini wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Jul 2002 16:38:04 -0400
> steve <> wrote:
> > A small boot partition inside the first 1024 cylinders applies only if
> > you have an old BIOS.
> That is true but not enatirely correct. In my experience (with new
> machines) Lilo will not boot on a large disk regardless of the BIOS, that's
> why you need a small boot partition. I don't know about Grub or other boot
> managers.

It is entirely up the BIOS. If it supports it you are fine. BIOS's are bought
by manufacturer and often they mess with them, Compaq are infamous for that.
Some Japanese brands too. They never even bother to change the version #.

> > The only thing is that windows does not play nice with others. So you
> > install it first. I don't use NTFS because it's not entirely supported
> > under Linux. My win partitions are always fat32 in all its poor
> > implementations.
> I use NTFS and I find it a lot better than fat32. If you use windows a lot
> I think NTFS is the way to go. It is true that it is not entirely supported
> but you can cross that obstacle with a different partition in Fat32 (not
> the first C drive) to communicate between linux and windows.

So, then you are all set.

> Federico


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