Re: [SLUG] St. Pete Meeting Follow Up

From: Smitty (
Date: Tue Dec 31 2002 - 13:03:13 EST

On Tuesday 31 December 2002 09:41, you wrote:
> I would first like to apologize to Smitty for not having enough time to
> keep working your computer. I hated to leave you in that state.

No problem, Aaron. By the way, I hope we answered all of the "questions"
subtly calculated to invalidate linux put forth by the middle-aged microsoft
shill who showed up. Amazing how he repeatedly insisted that /etc contains
executable files. I guess he can only think in terms of how ms does things.

> Here is the link to the IP Masquerading website .
> Just remember that you may have to use dos2unix on the firewall script.
> Also, did anyone have any question about the Lindows box? I know we didn't
> get to spend to much time with it.

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