Just a reminder to the group. Linux training is not a dead issue. I am
working on getting my website setup to accommodate what I feel is
necessary to be a gathering point for information and instructors and
other information.
We will be having Linux training one day. There is much work to do
first. I will keep everyone updated as I make progress on each issue.
I would like a group of you to work on this remote teaching idea that I
saw floating around. We need someone to step forward and lead this
issue. Ian, I believe that your expertise will be valuable on this. If
you could work with me on this, we can make sure the medium we choose
fits the instruction needs of the group. There are many here with great
expanses of knowledge that we will be relying on in the coming months.
Also, has anyone ever seen a detailed flowchart if the linux boot, login
and command execution processes? If we could find or create that it
would be very helpful for newbies (and me)to follow the instruction
sequence and its relevance to the instruction of the moment. It would
also help me in determining what to schedule and when in the process it
best fits into the whole picture. As I get information formatted I will
present it to the group for discussion.
I hope to have this ready for this fall.
This might better be done off list if you please.
Michael C. Rock
Systems Analyst
Registered Linux User # 287973
"The time has come the walrus said to speak of many things,,,"
"Christians give up what they cannot keep to gain what they cannot lose"
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