On 11 Feb 2003 14:22:35 -0500, Kwan Lowe wrote:
-> Login to your first machine, Alpha, with the KDE desktop.
-> Open a terminal window.
-> In the terminal type:
-> xhost +omega
-> ssh -X john@omega
-> Note that the 'X' is case sensitive. Using a 'x' will
*disable* X11
-> forwarding.
-> Enter your password.
-> In the terminal session try:
-> xclock &
-> This should launch the xclock program, running on Omega with
the display
-> on Alpha.
Perfect, that works great! It really helps me get a little more
perspective--all I've been able to do so far is text-mode
At this point, the xclock app is writing to the X server on
alpha, and everybody is using display alpha:0.0, right? At some
point, I would like to get the complete desktop environment from
the remote machine, and be able to switch between displays.
I see that Ryland has posted something to the list, so I'll go
check it. I just wanted to let you know that the X-forwarding
via ssh worked!
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